Saturday 3 February 2007

The lives of 2 German Women Artists.Comparing the life of Paula Modersohn Becker,member of the Workspede group based in Bremen towards the end of the late eighteenth century with Gabrielle Munter who commenced her creative career as a member of the Expressionist movement.
Gabrielle Munter - 1877 - 1962
Paula Modersohn Becker -1876 - 1907
I have chosen to compare the images of these two artists because they were both successful in their own right despite the severe limitations that overshadowed them both professionally and in Paula Modersohn Beckers case personally.During the short life of Pauls Modersohn Becker she was able to produce a vast amount of work.In total over 400 paintings and drawings.
'Brustbild einer Jungen Frau mit Offenem Haar'(half portrait of a young woman with beautiful hair)- is a particularly serene painting,it is the painting of a young girl dressed in pale colours looking downwards as if reading or glimpsing a small bracelet around her wrist.The softness of Modersohn Beckers palette gives an angelic haze to the painting that is very charming.I find the beauty in this particular painting is that the girl featured appears to be so unaware or posed at all,you feel a that the artist has captured a quietly composed moment,there is no attempt to show off skills or even a hint of anything other then pure individual and delicate observation.The influence of the Impressionist movement is clearly seen within this painting.Paula Modersohn Becker studied at various times when Millais and Manet were acsending creative heights during the late eighteenth century.Paula Modersohn Becker was one of the few painters from the Worpswede group whose paintings showed a new strain of influence which was linked to Fauvism and Gauguins later work.The colours are simple and starkly tonal to a point of understatement.The womans warm brown hair,stark white top against a background of a pale golden olive colour that creates an imploring contrast.Modersohn Becker was painting at a time when it was difficult to study as a women artist at reputable art schools who catered mainly for male students,even though there was so much cultural richness around - Tchaikovsky was one of the prominent composers of the day - the last decade of the eighteenth century saw the important Gothic Revivalists pursue romantic ideals and make an unforgettable mark on the history of British Art - during this time technology was advancing in ground breaking ways - the first telephone exchanges were established in two major British cities .The late eighteenth century definitely was a progressive and exciting time to be painting.The wealth of recent artworks to be influenced by and draw ideas from was a deep well of inspiration.

My second image is a work painted by the artist Gabrielle Munter - The title of the painting is 'Black Mask with Rose' (1912) - This is a still life painting- the objects painted are quite theatrical - a mask,gloves and ornate cushions.The objects are clearly outlined in dark colours and the essence of these still life objects worked in a heavy manner on top in a array of colours - plums,pinks and furher pink and warner tones - even though painted in a stilted manner,it is thoughtfully created.
Gabrielle Munter began her studies as an artist under the tuition of Kandinsky and commenced her studies learning in the style of the post Impressionists - which later was to evolve into expressionism.I see also within this painting strains of influence of the Fauvres because of the heavy outlines and strong tonal ventage.

I feel the one particular focus of my comparison between these two artists is to recognise from Gabrielle Munters later work the posssible potential pathway that Paula Modersohn Beckers work may have taken if she had not had ner life tragically cut short at the age of 31.Both these Artists worked when the Wilheim state was in force within Germany which had firm ideas regarding the types of Art that were accepted nationally.As within other European countries in the late eighteenth/early nineteenth century the restraints created by various governments instead of preventing the natural flow of Artistic Expression actually fueled and intensified the work that was being produced.

Both Paula Modersohn Becker and Gabrielle Munter have been written about under the heading of primitive art - both artists sought to create works in a new and progressive way.Even though unknown to eachother,each followed a personal and single minded journey,inspired by others but with a unique focus.
To compare both these artists against a contemporary setting is to see them in clearly in their mutual historical context - for them both to exist in the artworld of our modern day is an interesting thought.Would the numerous restrictions that they faced have been the reason why their paintings were so intense and direct?
With more freedom would this have in fact taken away what was tangible from their work or given them a freedom that would have broken further personal boundaries?

Following Gabrielle Munters high productivity under the influence of Kandinsky and further relationship that lasted over ten years her work was to decline in its output.
Germany was going through a turbulent time within its history and artists were not highly regarded,at times being labelled as degenerate.Many artists working through the wartime years chose to leave the country,many travelled and settled within the U.S.A.Gabrielle Munter shared the strong inclination to leave her homeland and settled in England.

Books researched - Primitism and Modern Art - Colin Rhodes Women,Art and Society - Whtney Chadwick - History of Art - Starfire Books - Women Artists / Heller Books

Internet resources researched from include- - -

Wednesday 3 January 2007


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